
Standard shipping costs within Germany: 5.90 Euros

Bulky goods shipping within Germany: 14.90 Euros or 39.90 Euros, depending on the item.

You can view our payment methods and the corresponding fees under Payment Methods.

We kindly ask that you inspect packages for damage upon receipt. If the package shows any signs of transport damage, you should inform the delivery driver and refuse to accept the package. However, you are under no obligation to do so.

We reserve the right to ship larger packages, especially large model aircraft, via GLS or a freight carrier, even if DHL was selected as the shipping method.

In accordance with the regulations of the Packaging Ordinance, we are obliged to take back packaging materials of our products that do not bear the symbol of a nationwide disposal system (such as the "Green Dot" of Duales System Deutschland AG or the "RESY" symbol) and ensure their reuse or disposal.

For further clarification regarding returns of such packaging, please contact us:
Simon Müller
Dickenreiserweg 18d
87700 Memmingen, Germany


We will inform you of a local collection point or disposal company near you that will accept the packaging free of charge. If this is not possible, you have the option to send the packaging to us (, Simon Müller, Dickenreiserweg 18d, 87700 Memmingen, Germany).

We will either reuse the packaging or dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of the Packaging Ordinance.

End of notice